Thursday, June 21, 2007

Friday, June 8, 2007


Sticking it to the man

My cousins, Tyler and Erika, Cory and I came up with a brillant way to "stick it to the man." We go to restaurants and consume as many free refills as possible. Two restaurants in San Antonio fell victim to our shenaniganry. Chili's and Houlihan's.

Chili's...we downed enough blackberry ice teas so that they equaled only $.52. Awesome...

then we went to Houlihan's the next day for flavored lemonades and teas. The price per tea was even better there because the waitress forgot to add a 4th drink on the check. $.48 each...Yes!

However, we learned our lesson...we can only "stick it to the man" once a week because it requires mass consumption of sugary drinks!