Monday, January 28, 2008

expect the unexpected from us!

hey friends - sorry it's been awhile since i updated the blog. life has been busy. here's an update on the gubser clan...

i am in the process of studying to become a lactation educator, then a doula, then a childbirth educator...i'm so excited to start my own business helping women who want a natural birth take on those hospital drug pushers! (note: if you truly want a natural birth...don't go to a hospital...have your babe at home or in a birth center)

the gubsers are packing up and shipping out to cali. we have decided that our next step is to move to salinas to live near josh's family. i'm so excited to live near family, be close to my bro who'll be in l.a., be 2 hours away from one of my bf's, alyza, and be within driving distance to san diego! we won't be able to buy a home of course but if our friend is correct we may be able to in 2 years when prices drop a predicted 40% more! wow! we'll see! we are going to put our house on the market march 1st hopefully (if we get all the work done that we have to do). We are really sad to be leaving all of our AWESOME friends that we have made in the past 2 years here.

josh is working for a remodeling company. they are awesome and have been really generous to us! we're very thankful for them plus josh has become increasingly handy around the house. very awesome!

now the long-awaited linkers update: this kid is AWESOME. we love him beyond belief. he is 10 months old and will be one year on march 19. so crazy! this month has been huge for him. he has taken his first steps and now takes about 5 or 6 without anyone in front of him enticing him. so cute. he said his first word "hey" to josh immediately after he said it. he also says "hi" and waves. waving started about 2 weeks ago and he hasn't stopped since. he loves to wave and it is often the first thing he does when he wakes up. he'll wave at cars, cats, products in the aisles at the store, random people, his reflection and, of course, us excessively! we love it. plus, clapping has made a come back. he took a month long sabbatical from it. he'll even clap when he's frustrated and wants to be picked's actually quite funny! (sad, i know) in addition...he has gotten 3 teeth since xmas after taking a 3 month long sabbatical from that too. he's getting 2 more also. he'll soon have all 8 front teeth. you're probably wondering if he bites when he nurses...he only does that if he is really really upset so thankfully it doesn't happen very often. as far as solid food goes...he loves peas, cheerios (organic kind of course), multigrain squares, bread, apple sauce and pizza crust. he hardly lets me feed him though. he insists that he does it himself. a lot has changed for the little one. he's becoming a toddler. can't wait to see more and more of his personality beam from him! he's also going to miss his uncle cory who gives him a beat to dance to at every opportunity and holds him whenever he gets home from work. lincoln demands that he do it! cory is so in love with him too!

alright thats a good update for now! hope all is well with you my friends. keep in touch. i'm starting a daily lincoln-gram email which consists of a daily pic emailed to you if you are interested. let me know!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Lincoln's Christmas

Lincoln had a pretty uneventful Christmas! We were at my parents-in-law house in Salinas, CA. We had a great time being with family. Lincoln loved the bows the most. Before we opened gifts he kept stealing them off of the presents. I think he might have been overwhelmed by all the xmas gift opening action. Next year he'll totally be into it I'm sure! Here's some pics:

Tuesday, January 1, 2008