Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Lincoln's developmental breakthrough

Lincoln had an amazing developmental breakthrough this evening. I know that it's not really that exciting but to me it is so I have to post it! He was standing with the help of our friend Renee. He was leaning forward and got down on the floor on all fours into crawling position AND held it there for a minute or so. SO EXCITING (to me!) Here's some adorable pics of the amazing event. Yay!

p.s. lincoln loves bananas!


Sarah said...

He is so close to crawling! That is so cool!! Way to go Lincoln!

bansheewigs said...

crawling! whoa nelly! way to go lincoln!!! and, so glad he loves bananas... who wouldn't they're so tasty!

elaine said...

watch out's on the move. you know, there will be a time when you will say "i wish he was still that little guy that just laid there making faces at me" as he tears up the house and gets into mischief. enjoy these fun years!!!