Tuesday, February 12, 2008

i'm all fired up!

It's 4:25 am on my birthday and I can't sleep. Not because I'm excited about my birthday festivities but because of birth!

My brother's friend just had a baby yesterday. I'm all fired up because the hospital is more concerned about her changing rooms than breastfeeding. PEOPLE...IF YOU WANT SOMETHING AND THE HOSPITAL DOESN'T GIVE IT TO YOU...TAKE ACTION AND DO IT/GET IT YOURSELF. What I mean by that is demand what you want. You are in charge...not them. They may think they are in charge of you but you are in charge of what happens to you in a hospital whether or not you are giving birth. Don't give up your wishes and desires because it's not hospital procedure. If they give you a really hard time ask to speak to the charge nurse or someone else in charge of making decisions.

Remember...hospitals are a bureaucracy that has a bottom line...guess what...that bottom line is not your care. They are most concerned about being paid by insurance companies and the government that they lose sight of your care. That stress trickles down to everyone on staff. Procedures aren't done in order to save money or care isn't given because "INSURANCE DOESN'T COVER THAT." Or...a standard procedure is done in order to save time aka save $$$. Know your rights and that you have a choice to choose what is done to you in a hospital unless you are unconcious. If they say "we're going to start pitocin to speed things up." Ask "why is that necessary? What are the risks?" Believe me...there are plenty. You have the right to say "no" without providing any justification. Listen to your gut! If it's uneasy about something a doctor "suggests" then question it. Your gut is right!

People...I strongly encourage you to rethink your dependence on doctors. They can not give you advice on raising children because they have not studied it...so don't ask them. Ask an appropriate source (Xylem Family Resource). Doctors are trained ONLY to treat the sick and make them not sick. If you or your baby are well...there's no need to see a doc!

Watch this if you are EVER going to give birth or know someone who might!

Standing up to a powerful money hungry institution like a hospital sounds like a daunting task...might I suggest pre-natal care and birth at a birth center or at home. These are statiscally SAFER options and much more family and baby friendly. 1% of hospitals in Colorado are following the "Baby-Friendly Initiatives" set up by UNICEF. The closest "baby-friendly" hospital to Denver is in Louisville. Not sure you would want to get in the car and drive for 30-45 minutes while having contractions every 3-5 minutes!

Alright, friends. I hope that this has made you think a little bit about placing your life in the hands of a hospital. Wait a tick...a hospital doesn't even have hands...ow...good luck with that! Oh but a mid-wife has two compassionate, people-centered hands!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

What a great post! While we are going to give birth in a hospital, I am not the hold my tongue kind of girl and I make sure to get my way!! This is so true and more people need to stop thinking that Dr's are the end all for knowledge. They went to school for that just like lawyers and politicians. Do you trust them completely with your life??? Didn't think so...