Saturday, March 31, 2007

the best things about not being pregnant...

my feet are no longer swollen. i had forgotten how skinny they really are. i love them!

my wedding ring almost fits. i still have some finger chub to lose but it will be nice to wear it again. it's been several months now.

my shirts cover my belly! but unfortunately, i still have to wear maternity and stretchy pants.

i can stand for longer than 2 seconds without burning feet!

i'm useful around the house. granted, i got used to being waited on but i don't really have any excuses now except for when i'm nursing.

i can go on walks and do yoga. tonight i did a FitTV yoga workout. i'm gonna be sore in the morning. it felt really good to stretch and use my muscles for the first time in almost 2 weeks.

and best of all..........

I GET TO SLEEP ON MY BELLY!! never take for the granted the freedom to sleep on your belly. the last month or so of pregnancy i hated sleeping but now it is the most wonderful thing in the world (next to my new little bundle of cuteness, of course!)

here are some pics of me and lincoln:

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