Tuesday, February 27, 2007

38 weeks - 10 days til my due date

38 weeks...holy cow...can't believe I'm so close yet have no idea at all when Lincoln will make his debut into this world. Its very weird not being able to make any concrete plans because he may just decide to show up. But I'm staying active socially and did a good deep cleaning in the kitchen yesterday. The boys I live with are real half-assers (is that a word?).
Its a good thing that I have this new house project to focus on otherwise I'd be sitting around comtemplating every feeling in my body as if it were a sign of labor. Oh...I can't wait to hold the little guy. In addition, maternity clothes don't even cover the belly anymore. Nothing does - argh!
Keep checking to see updates about my progess.

1 comment:

elaine said...

hey, alison~

cleaning is usually a sign of impending birth....preparing a "nest" for your baby. hope that is true for you!!!! anxiously awaiting news of lincoln's arrival.
(by the way, you look so adorable with your "watermelon" belly)